How do I get the latest version of dependency in flutter?
Hi coders,
My name is Amit Bahadur and today in this article i am gonna show to a tricks to get the latest version of dependency used in flutter as its difficult to check every dependency one by one and every some time there is new version and the older one are gets deprecated which will affect our running project so how can we know about it So that why i am here to solve this problem. and if you get into any problem by doing this then feel free to contact us
So Let's get started
Step1:- Go to your pubspec.yaml file
Step2:-Click on Pub upgrade option
which is present at the top of the pubspec.yaml file
Step3:-Now at the bottom of the project there will be option named Messages where you can see all the dependency with latest version
Step4:- Now just changed the version of your dependency with latest version as shown after Pub upgrade and then click on pub get
Note:- There is one more option named Pub outdated which will remove all the deprecated dependency from your pubspec.yaml file.